I walked into the hall for Immersion Assembly, thinking "What is our topic for this term is?" We sat down behind RM 14. The hall was buzzing with chatter."Te Na Kotou Tamariki Ma" shouted Mr Burt. Assembly had just begun. Mr Burt showed us what our topic was. "Mighty Mariners" Shouted the school. He showed us where he had travelled in the holidays. "I went from Auckland to America" then a map came up on the screen with a yellow line showing the destination.
" Give it up for Team 1!" They did an animation of the seven waka's. My favourite was team 3 because they threw out chocolate coins and shot confetti out in the air using guns. What a fun Immersion Assembly, i am waiting for what next term is holding
hey shoal i re-read ur blog and i liked it ....the paragraphs and that renember tell your mum ur brownies recipes