Monday, September 19, 2011

Polar Bears

The largest bear in the world is the Polar Bear. Polar bears can live in the Arctic Ocean, on the ice and on the shore.

Polar Bears have a thick coat of hairs to help keep warm. They walk on their strong legs, with the sharp claws on it’s paws helping to grip on the ice. What also helps to grip is the bumps on the bottom of their paws.

Polar bears live alone, unless they are cubs. The mother teaches it how to hunt for food, and protects it from danger. Cubs live with their mothers for about two and a half years.

Seals are Polar Bears main food. They wait for the seal to come out of their breathing hole, and when they do the Polar bear uses their huge paws and sharp claws to flip it over.

If a Polar bear is in the wild it can live for up to twenty years. A Polar Bear that lived in a zoo lived for forty one years.

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